Monday, October 25, 2010

Women Breast Feeding Old Men

Jean-Christophe Norman, ongoing maintenance, end

After an initial meeting in July 2010, Jean-Christophe Norman and myself have decided to specify our exchange in writing. The artist explained to me and what is its practice, its genesis to its development, and I respond, questions, day after day. Until ...?

Sophie Lapalu: Provide the vision of your experience, to share, and finally offer an alternative through the objects that you propose. The viewer is then "interpreted active", which is developing its "own translation to capture the" history "and make [his] own history". Rancière says, in The Emancipated Spectator: "An emancipated community is a community of storytellers and translators." It joins really what you just said with the inhabitants of Poznan who imagined stories. The viewer is thus doubly active in your work: in the reception of the action, and in that of objects. You are right not to separate the two.

short, I have more questions!

Jean-Christophe Norman: Thank you very much for your thoughts! I really enjoyed doing this interview. It was rewarding. Why not make a sequel, later, with my project The great days which should last at least two years. In this regard, there are two other places I should go for this project: This is the taiga Oymyakon, the pole of cold in Siberia (record - 72 degrees!), And the foot of Nevado Rondoy Northern Peru.

More adventures to follow.


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