(c) David Renault
Like a contemporary still life, the artist has arranged in the toasting device Nice plastic bags, worn symbols of waste colonizer vortex faded. Now that distinguish the installation of the artist's daily lot of garbage that litter the area around the floor? Being deprived of markers in the art, it is undecidable for passing uninformed whether or not there for art, even for short [2]. To each to use his freedom to provide perception processed materials such arrangements arises unannounced at the corner of a road. However, the choice of an unusual bag model, uniformly black, works as an index, a sign territorial dawn and leaves a subtle hint, so it looking pirate flag, emblem of artistic occupation illegal, anonymous and temporary of abandoned spaces.
Questioning the concept of transfer and displacement of the same object in a different context, David Renault does not transpose the bag as it is in the exhibition space. He takes the party to operate a reversal: the bag, this time in tissue, becomes the standard weapons of trash conqueror - golden stripes, wide white stripes and blue - and floats away with the top of a mast ( Flag Bag ). Thus, according to a logic close to the chiasm, the work finds its strength in the echo resonating between the two facilities and their respective context. This work thus questions as places of art that its reception, as if the artist was trying to confuse us.
David RENAULT Bag Flag , 2010, urban intervention
(c) David Renault
I can not help but note this: The flag of David was removed Renault on the opening day and during the duration of exposure, following a misunderstanding with the owner. The latter could not bear the French flag, which usually hung over the Villa Camelina or removed without authorization (...). This flag was in fact any sentimental value for him. The title of this text, written ahead of the show, sounded like a prediction, so unhappy, and the work of David it was all the more puzzling - and politically.
text published in the exhibition catalog With at Villa Camelina, Manchester , from 01/10 to 17/10/2010 .
Exhibition commissioned by Claire Migraine and Nicolas Müller
Catalogue: With , Villa Camelina, 10/01 to 10/17/2010.
Texts Bechetoille Mary Louise Bernatowiez, Sophie Coda, Nicolas de Ribou Marianne Derrien, Anthoni Dominguez, Sandra Doublet, Laura Fabre, Sophie Lapalu, Bénédicte Le Pimpec, Loctin Mathieu, Claire and Richard Migraine Neyroud
Design: Florian vs. Mengya
Powered by curators and artists, with the support of Helen and Fincker EDITIONS DEL'ART
texts b & w, color images
21 x 15 cm 32 pages
€ 7
Distribution and Control: EDITIONS DEL'ART
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