Friday, October 22, 2010

Fpc Connector How Replace

A little blackmail.

By requiring the convening letter recommended art. 577-6, § 3, para. 3 of Law Hamal wants to force the trustees to demonstrate that they have summoned all owners. Many trustees have a nasty habit of failing to summon the recalcitrant owners or critical when the meeting is expected to approve measures authoritarian or unreasonable expense. Or, if more frequent, the trustees fail to call a meeting within the statutory time limits or rules.

The trustees turned the law. They know how and there are not at their first attempt. They strongly encourage the owners to waive notice by registered letter and prefer regular mail to avoid being penalized, the imposition of postage important personal and repeated since, they say, disbursements relating to summonses are not loads but the CPA should be charged personally with Recommended by owners convened.

Thus, as trustees, the costs of the summonses would be loads of CPA when sent by regular mail but they would become part owner of each personal expenses when they are recommended.

Changing the law of 1994 is nullified by this Interpretation As surprising as audacious. The trustees will be able to continue to call or not call as they have always done.

Under these conditions, Olivier Hamal might have spared himself the effort to amend the 1994 Act.



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