Or was it just a real desire to reconnect with the training provided him with success in the 90s? The trouble is that leaving the concert at the Elysee Montmartre Sweden, jury is still somewhat the motivations of the thing ...

however slightly tarnish the reunion: a sound by the time draft, downright mediocre and the lack of involvement of Neil Codling wearing a haggard during the entire set, contrasting strikingly with the rest of the group .
remains at the sight of mine rejoiced in the room at the end of the (too short) concert, Sweden seems to have won his bid to win back a public meeting always present at the call of the English glam. Now waiting to see if they will offer nothing but the best of appropriately released in stores a few weeks ago, or whether they will join the long list of training ending up intermittently during a few concerts lucrative and devoid of novelty. One thing is for sure, Brett Anderson of Sweden does not need to exist as an artist, it is hoped he will continue in parallel to carry his boat solo with freedom inspired the have characterized recent years.
Photos (C) GH
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