Monday, September 20, 2010

21st Birthday Facebook Event Title

From album Ghosts I -IV by Nine Inch Nails, Trent Reznor distributes his musical projects on the same business model: several titles available for free download for the curious or undecided, the full album controllable on various physical media for the fans, in versions ranging the most affordable to luxurious according to the desires and resources of potential buyers. This time it's for the soundtrack of The Social Network composed with Atticus Ross (himself author of the remarkable score of The Book of Eli months ago) that Reznor repeats the experiment.
The Social Network in the unlikely event that you would not already heard, is the new film by David Fincher (who was already using the music of Nine Inch Nails in the generic Seven), and should be one of the film events of the fall. The 5 tracks on the soundtrack available for download does not really create the surprise and are in line ambient instrumentals frequently appearing on albums by NiN. It was not until October to see if Fincher has made the right choice to accompany the images of his film (although it was already an idea on the issue ...).
Meanwhile, the hour or some pundits the record industry are wondering how they can continue to glean money in a dying industry, we can only rejoice to see some musicians like Trent Reznor successfully pursue their career in an independent and realistic, leaving their audiences a real choice in how to "consume" their music. An example that the majors should have inspired a long time but it will, alas, wishful thinking.


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