The management contract. The law
Law Hamal in his art. 577-8, § 1, para. 2, states: "The provisions governing the relationship between the trustee and the owners' association must be included in a written contract."
are known reluctance of the trustees to sign a management contract with the CPA. Thus, most managing agents prestent without any contract. They prefer the freedom to do anything and for worse.
Where a trustee is negotiating with a supplier, it does not search the best value for money but it requires for its own account the benefit of the highest commission. In this fool's game, the owners are always the ones to suffer. So, come rain or shine, summer or winter, the condominiums are being invaded by many trades that, at great expense, carry out unnecessary work but very profitable for the trustee.
To end this despicable practice, it suffices to include in the management contract now mandatory, the little paragraph: "The trustee undertakes to refuse any commission regardless of its nature or form of any supplier or intermediary whatsoever. If a commission was nevertheless paid him, he fully drawback to joint ownership."
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