At the scene of a Café de la Danse packed, Martina seems, at first, a little less comfortable than usual, perhaps because of recurring sound problems, or the presence of multiple cameras to capture a video. Fortunately we eventually found the great Martina days, with a record from the bittersweet rhyme to rock the most stripper (terrible version of "Black Steel"), and the icing on the cake, the disarmingly natural with which she addresses the audience in a near-perfect French.
Listening to his bluffing occasions Stranglers (Golden Brown ) and Kate Bush ( Army dreamers ) we say that Martina Topley-Bird is now part of the tradition of the great names of English pop with a world that by its singularity and its wealth has nothing to envy the groups with which she was able to collaborate in the past.
Martina and Ninja conclude their set on a festive note with a balloon launch in the room that will cause a joyful mess, a nice way to end a year full of concerts except for the author of these lines. See you in 2011!
Photos (C) GH
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