Sunday, May 16, 2010

Benq 23 Lcd Signal Not Connected


There is no professional trustees. They are all amateurs who are constantly improvise and who know neither accounting or management. Condominiums are messy. The trustees do not care. Their concerns are elsewhere.

The trustees are primarily business agents, and even businessmen. In this underworld, they are in their element and know how to drive here in seasoned professionals. On the lookout for any legislative loopholes they exploit with skill to the detriment of their interlocutors. In this case, they roll in flour inexperienced owners unhappy. Who can not afford to go to court, the owners in good faith but naive believe they can get relief from the IPI in him denouncing the baseness of their trustees. Vain hope. The IPI is not more attentive to complaints that judges' legitimate owners.

About the IPI (Institute of Real Estate Professionals), and subsidized official body responsible for monitoring the trustees, their ethics, their behavior and secondarily to receive complaints from owners, it should be noted, and c ' is a cream pie, the trustees have no more zealous protector. Needless to appeal to the IPI The trustee will be discharged down to its most extreme mistakes. To locate the moral level of the IPI, it suffices to recall that his past-president, former member of its Executive Board, and trustee sprawling in Brussels has been fined more than 350,000 euros in damages to the owners. This case emblematic of the profession should not hide the forest of trustees as crooked as he. Most of his fellow rogues or even better protected pass through the cracks.

IPI is a washing machine. The trustee enters all black and comes out whiter than white.

Certainly, the future is bleak.



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